What All Does Legionella Risk Assessment Procedure Includes

What All Does Legionella Risk Assessment Procedure Includes

Legionella is a bacteria that causes flu-like symptoms. If its growth gets uncontrollable, the people exposed to it will face breathing issues, turning the situation fatal. Thus, government authorities have made it compulsory for the organizations to carry out regular assessments for the legionella spread and take necessary steps to curb its growth on time.

If you also run an organization that requires regular legionella risk assessment as a norm, it is essential to understand the process thoroughly. The awareness of the process would help you find the team who can conduct the assessment procedure in a fair manner to keep your workplace safe against the spread. Moreover, fair assessment is essential so that the organization always passes the checks by the authorities and doesn’t get warned for not meeting the requirements.

What Happens During The Legionella Risk Assessment?

Accessing The Potential Sites

The first thing team visiting your premises for the legionella assessment would do is identify the spots with potential bacterial growth. It can be the water bodies on your premises, your cold storage systems or any place that is damp. They would create a list of all these areas under question and then conduct an assessment procedure.

Checking Current Condition

Moving on, the team will check the current condition of your site. They see if the bacteria is always spreading or if there are any chances of growth. If they do not find anything suspicious, they will complete the process. However, if they find any traces, the assessment will go deeper to identify the severity of the situation.

Referring To Previous Reports

The experts you hire will also check the reports of the previously conducted risk assessment procedures. They do so to ensure whether there has ever been any bacterial spread or the place has been clean forever. It is only for reference purposes and doesn’t influence how the assessment gets carried out.

Report Generation

The last step of legionella risk assessment is report generation. Your appointed team will create a detailed report stating everything observed at the site. These reports are essential as it gets used for reference in future audits.

These are the things that happen during the assessment for legionella. Moreover, if the experts identify any risk areas and see any signs of this deadly bacteria building up in your workplace, they would also plan a strategy to curb its spread and eliminate it from the site.

It is advisable to carry out these surveys every few months to ensure everything is under control and keep your workspace a safe and hygienic place to work. The only thing you have to ensure is looking for proficient experts with proven expertise to conduct the surveys so that the results are reliable enough to take further action.