Air Compressor Filters

Air Compressor Filters

If you rely on an air compressor for your work, you know how crucial it is to keep it operating smoothly. However, like any machine, an air compressor can experience wear and tear, leading to part failure over time. To prevent costly downtime and repair expenses, it’s essential to keep certain parts readily available. Consider stocking the following 10 vital air compressor parts in your inventory:

Air filter: Replacing clogged air filters regularly is crucial to maintain proper airflow and protect the compressor.

Oil filter: Like air filters, oil filters keep the compressor running smoothly and shield against contaminants.

Oil/Lubricant: Topping off your system with oil or lubricant between preventative maintenance is necessary to address leaks or oil-carryover.

Separators: Poorly maintained separators can clog or collapse, causing compressor failure and system shutdown.

Belts: Over time, belts may wear out or break, so it’s smart to have a spare on hand.

Pressure switch: The pressure switch controls when the compressor turns on and off, so a malfunctioning switch can lead to problems with the system.

Safety valve: The safety valve releases pressure if it exceeds the maximum limit, preventing damage or injury.

Regulator: The regulator controls the air pressure delivered to tools, so it’s important to have a working one.

Check valve: The check valve prevents air from flowing back into the compressor when it’s turned off, so it’s crucial to maintain.

Gauges: Accurate gauges are necessary to monitor the air pressure and adjust the regulator.

By keeping these parts on hand, you can avoid costly downtime and repairs and keep your air compressor running at peak performance. It’s also a good idea to follow a regular maintenance schedule and inspect your compressor regularly for signs of wear and tear. With proper care, your air compressor can serve you well for years to come.