Logic Controls In Automation Engineering Are Your Future Job

Logic Controls In Automation Engineering Are Your Future Job

Did you know that the current unemployment rate in the States is around 15%? Due to Covid-19, millions of people already lost their jobs.

It’s not going to be any different in the future. People are going to be laid off because of more different reasons. Technology is taking over many industries, the Covid-19 crisis makes the global economic crisis unbearable for companies who must turn to massive layoffs, and customers are staying at home with lower buying power and being unable to go out and spend.

The most probable L-shaped scenario that experts talk about when they mention the economic recovery of the market is going to make the entire humanity suffer in the next few years. Some say that this might be the biggest crisis ever. Bigger even than the Great Depression 100 years ago, when only in the US there was more than a 25% unemployment rate. See in more details about this here.

If you want to be prepared for all these problems, you need to start thinking about learning new skills. At the moment, one of the most wanted jobs by employers is the logic control engineer. In this article, we’re going to talk more about this job opportunity, and what you need to do to become one. Also, why is this the job of the future? Follow up if you want to know more about this subject!

What is the Logic Controller?

Logic controllers or programmable logic controllers, also known as PLC are mini-computers that are used mainly in factories through which expert automation engineers give the orders to machines. With this, the machines will know exactly what needs to be done.

Since the future is without a doubt going to be fully automated and robotized, you can consider this job as being the person who will give orders to robots. This kind of job description is really exciting for some people.

The programmable logic controller is a device that requires often maintenance. No factory line will go on forever with the same program. An engineer will need to regularly update the program and give instructions to the machines.

Why is it the job of the future?

There are predictions in which experts claim that millions of people will lose their jobs in the future due to the rise of artificial intelligence. By the year 2030, around 800 million people around the world might lose their jobs because of this.

For those that don’t know, artificial intelligence is the ability of computers to act like humans and learn while working. It is a term that is being used for many software and computers capable to do tasks that ordinary computers are not capable of doing.

These AI-driven computers will take over the manufacturing process in the future. However, even though they might sound like completely independent, they are still just machines waiting for an order.

The automation engineer is the one person who gives them this control through the PLC computers. If there’s a rise of robots driven by AI in the future, there will certainly be a much higher need for engineers who will know how to program and operate them.

Right now, the need for these engineers is huge. Being competent in this job and having the proper knowledge will certainly get you a job in some of the many big factories around the States. The salary is always high and often goes over $120,000 per year.

How to become an expert?

Being an engineer is not an easy job. This is something that people spend years to learn this entirely. A college education is crucial to becoming a complete expert in a certain field.

However, if you’re in the category of people who are already working in a certain field that might not have anything to do with engineering, and you can’t afford to go to college all over again, there’s a different solution.

You can find some of the many courses on the internet in which PLC is widely explained to details. There are more different levels of education and you can choose some of them based on how skilled you are. If you feel like you already know some things, you can choose the expert level and become a professional very fast.

How to choose the right course?

It’s not easy to find the best one. There are so many out there and they all claim to be the best. The engineering job covers a lot of fields and focusing on only one is wrong. What you need to do is to try and find the best programmable logic controls course. This is the point where you should start your search.

Once you get a list of courses with the help of the search engine, you should find out which one is the most suitable for you.

Understand that even though they all claim to be amazing, they are not. You need to find out who really is. For this, you’ll need the help of the internet.

On the internet, there is information about everyone and everything. Luckily for us, those who are trying to do business are being scanned by customers who leave reviews for their work. Just opening the web site of different PLC courses will show you what people think about their work and how good they think they are.

Finding websites with ranking can also be helpful. There, experts and previous clients share their thoughts about business, and with their help, future clients will know which course is worth listening to, and which one is not.

Instructors’ credentials are important

More often than not, people who do not check how the course is going to be conducted end up disconnecting after just a few minutes. They realize that they were scammed and the person giving them instructions has absolutely no knowledge in a certain subject.

Before you give your money to someone, do a fast research on their name. See where they attended school, where did they work, what kind of experience they have, and of course, what is their reputation among the clients.

This will help you to understand if someone’s eligible to hold courses on a certain topic. If you come across a graduate from a well-known school then you know you’ve come to the right place. Also, if they’ve been working for a well-known company then you know you’re making the right choice.

However, if there’s nothing behind the name of the potential instructor candidate, then they might be a fraud. If no one knows this person, then it may be just someone trying to snatch your money and give you nothing valuable in return. More importantly, they’ll waste your time and make you think that you know something, while you have actually learned a bunch of false information.

Another important issue about the instructor is the way they teach. Some people are simply annoying and are not made to be instructors. The tone of the voice, their appearance, and the ability to express themselves are not the best. A lot of people will regret taking a certain course because they can’t focus on the lectures. The reason might be wrong, but at the end of the day, you need value and not regret.


PLC programming is the future for everyone who wants to be an engineer or always dreamed of becoming one. If you’re working in some of the many industries that are surely going to suffer from the upcoming crisis, maybe you should think about becoming a PLC engineer with time, and then monetize your knowledge.

Having more skills is always good and you can’t go wrong in learning something new. Take some time and learn PLC. It will certainly come in handy in the future.