Asbestos Encapsulation: The Cost-Effective Way To Deal With Asbestos

Asbestos Encapsulation: The Cost-Effective Way To Deal With Asbestos

Asbestos was used extensively in the UK until the 1970s, when it was discovered that inhaling slivers of asbestos can lead to serious respiratory disease, and since that time, asbestos has been removed when encountered, which can be costly and presents real risks to those in the area. So dangerous is it to remove asbestos, there are specialist companies that carry out the work, yet there is an alternative to removing an asbestos roof, and that is called asbestos encapsulation.

What is Asbestos Encapsulation?

Rather than going to the trouble and expense of having an asbestos roof removed, you can opt for asbestos roof encapsulation‌‌ by Impervius, a leading UK company that uses a unique system to encapsulate the asbestos roof using a special sealant that binds with the asbestos, making the roof even stronger. Asbestos sheeting does not really present a danger unless it is seriously disturbed, and in some cases, such as old factories, the experts recommend leaving the roof as it is rather than removing it, which would cause a lot of tiny asbestos slivers to become airborne.

Minimal Disruption

If you were planning to have an asbestos roof removed, everyone would have to be evacuated while the work is carried out. This might take weeks and the entire area would have to be sectioned off, ensuring that no one is exposed to the harmful substance, whereas having the roof encapsulated can be carried out with the minimum of disruption.

Added Layer of Insulation

Encapsulating an asbestos roof adds a layer of effective insulation to the building, which will save on energy bills and help maintain the desired temperature in the building. This added insulation is a bonus, especially during the colder winter months, when energy consumption rockets, and the same insulation will help keep the interior cool in the summer.

Completely Waterproof

If your factory roofing is beginning to leak, the encapsulation process forms a watertight sealant across the roof, making it a very attractive proposition if you happen to have a leaking asbestos roof. The company that applies the asbestos encapsulation would offer a very long warranty, some even as long as 25 years, which ensures that you get maximum value from having the application.

Safer Than Asbestos Removal

Safety is a prime concern when dealing with asbestos, and if at all possible, leaving it where it is would be the preferred solution and with the encapsulating process that completely locks in the harmful material, this is the safest way to treat an asbestos roof. If you would like to know more about this revolutionary application, an online search will reveal the whereabouts of a specialist contractor, who would be happy to quote for the project.

Once you have had the asbestos roof encapsulated, it really is a question of fit and forget, and as the roof is now encased, there is no longer a risk of asbestos related issues. If you have an asbestos roof that has seen better days, rather than removing it, why not call in the asbestos encapsulation experts?

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