As of now, several FORS members have received benefits from highly improved safety, ideal efficiency and excellent environmental protection. The best thing is that FORS is regarded as a voluntary accreditation scheme for all bus and coach, van and truck fleet operators. Because of FORS accreditation, it helps you to put in the shop window for new business.
Stand Out From The Crowd
If you were a transport buyer who needed to pick between two operators then whom would you choose? You would not be choosing the one who does not follow any sort of safety record and environmental practices. But you would be choosing the one having FORS accreditation proved a commitment to have excellent practices in all sorts of aspects of the business including road safety, sustainability issues and other aspects of corporate social responsibility. Therefore, FORS Gold is quite important if you truly want to stand out from the crowd.
Improve Your Road Safety Record
The best thing is that it is all about the highly dedicated FORS professional training that equips your managers and drivers with the skills and knowledge to improve the work associated with road safety and to mitigate the risk of a collision following other motor vehicles and crucially vulnerable road users. When you become FORS accredited and access safety-oriented tools, guides and training help you improve your work-oriented road safety. And the most important thing is that it will truly help you to improve your road safety record irrespective of the fact indeed.
Reduce Fuel Consumption To Increase Efficiency
FORS Professional provides classroom training and eLearning modules in the context of managers and drivers covering environmental best practices. FORS also impart ideal best practices toolkits to put you one step ahead of the competition. Talking about expert advice following the new age technologies and systems will impart tangible efficiencies. Dedicated driver training will truly promote defensive and more economic driving leading to mitigating fuel costs.
To Ensure Compliance
You should make sure of FORS Affinity Partner products to go with your legal obligations and do ensure you remain compliant following the FORS standard. The most important thing is that it adheres to enable complete vehicle, driver and organization management. Operators hold a duty of care following the law to check their drivers’ competency and capability. It is indeed delivered in the context of partnership following License Bureau limited imparting preferential price to members.
FORS Professional introduces an array of funded training for both managers and drivers. The professionals are adhered to cutting-edge content to cater for operators going for the requirements of the FORS standard.